I was lucky enough to be gifted a copy of 'Living With Allergies' by the lovely Emma at Free From Farm.
Surprisingly, this is the first 'allergy book' that I have had the hard copy to read (I am more of a google-er to be honest), though I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed having the physical book, especially as this meant that I could take it away on holiday and read it on the flight (when I wasn't busy wrestling with a baby).

If you have allergies or care for someone with allergies, I can not recommend this book highly enough.
All of the questions that I have ever asked myself, having been thrown into the deep end of the allergy world overnight, were answered in a way that was easy to understand.
Whilst reading the book, I felt like I was talking with someone who understood my worries as an allergy parent and at times, could feel myself welling up to think that someone else had asked the exact same questions and concerns that I have had over the past three years.
The book also gives a breakdown of what to expect in getting your diagnosis, first allergy clinic appointment and food challenges taken in hospital, which would be very helpful and reassuring for people who are just starting out on their allergy journeys.
There is also a section of the book which gives advice on what to do if you feel like you aren't getting anywhere with your GP and provides a copy of the NICE guidelines to take with you for support to your next appointment.
This especially would have been a real lifeline to me prior to Teddy's diagnosis when we didn't even know the questions to ask let alone the answers and really weren't getting anywhere fast. If we had got a diagnosis of CMPA earlier on, his anaphylaxis could have been prevented or I at least could have been prepared for potential reactions.
When I first started to read the book, my intention was to lend it out to my whole family, for them to read and gain a real understanding of what life is like 'living with allergies'.
Since finishing the book I now know that this won't be a possibility. I know that I will be referring to this book, pulling it out when I have an allergy related question and taking it along with me to hospital appointments for the foreseeable future.
So, sorry family, you will have to buy your own copy!
Thank you to Emma for writing a book that not only answers all of my questions as an allergy mummy who is just starting out, but also for giving me tips and helping me to gain an understanding of how to manage our family's allergies in the future.